- Pensar Academy
- Gifted and Talented Identification
Gifted and Talented Program
Page Navigation
- Gifted and Talented Program Scope and Sequence
- Gifted and Talented Program Design
- Gifted and Talented Curriculum and Instruction
- Gifted and Talented Identification
- Gifted and Talented Social and Emotional Development
- Gifted and Talented Program Professional Development
- Gifted and Talented Parent and Community Involvement
- Gifted and Talented Program Assessment
- Gifted and Talented Program Budgeting
Pensar Academy’s referral and identification process involves parents in the following ways:
- Referral forms are available in the front office for parents.
- Teacher referrals for Gifted Testing require parent approval.
Pensar Academy’s referral and identification process involves staff in the following ways:
- Referral forms are available in the front office for staff.
- Staff receives Professional Development (PD) in the identification/indicators and referral process for Gifted Learners.
Pensar Academy’s process for the identification of 4-8 gifted students involves the following data points:
- Cogat Testing
- Arizona Assessment Scores
- Universal screeners
- Multiple measures
- Classroom performance
Pensar Academy uses the following in the identification of gifted students:
- CogAT
- Gifted Characteristics Checklists
Pensar Academy informs parents of the results of student eligibility through a formal letter with the option of meeting with the Gifted Coordinator for further questions.